Are You Attracting High-End Customers With Your Product Photos?

If you’re involved in the e-commerce world you know how important photos are to SALES. A lot of the buying decision for consumers is based on what information they can get from your product’s photos and visual content. People tend to make quick decisions based on visuals alone- so are you confident in what your product photos convey?

Well, I’m here (as a photographer) to share some insight on how to make sure your brand’s product photography is high-quality & that it conveys an air of luxury/desirability. You may want to audit your content and even get feedback from impartial sources (customer feedback is especially desirable).


Is your product well-lit in the image? Quality images start with quality lighting. A good photographer knows that- so perhaps ask your photographer about what kind of lighting set-ups they use. If they’re able to explain what they use, great that’s a good sign. If they only use natural lighting- that’s a red flag. You can achieve good lighting using natural light, but most of the time your photographer will need extra light sources for high-quality images. This is especially true for items in glass containers. So, how can you tell if the light is good? In the photo, the product should be evenly lit and you should be able to see the details of the label and container.  

1.Sharpness/ Details

Again, details matter. A good photo will have your label and product sharp even when zoomed in. This can be helped with lighting but the sharpness can also be dependent on the lens used and the aperture shot at. The point is: A professional camera and a sharp lens are necessary. If you hired a pro, they probably have this covered… So, don’t wing it with an iPhone. Professional photographers will also use Photoshop & Lightroom (editing software) to fix the photo and increase sharpness so you will get a great image.

2.Materials Used

In the planning stage, your photographer will pick out backdrops, props, and materials to use in the image. If you want to convey luxury and seek out high-end customers you may want to use luxurious materials: marble and stone, silk, fine linens, gems, etc. If that doesn’t fit with your brand, you can always keep it clean and classic. A clean look may include a single colored backdrop with the product on a riser/platform. Models can add a bit of quality to the image by reinforcing the luxury vibe. You can look at fashion brands for inspiration with styling.


Yes, see what your competitors are doing and compare your photos to theirs. You don’t need to mimic them- just get some info. See what types of products are their best sellers. Look on social media and see which photos have high engagement. Analyze those photos and compare them to your own. What’re they doing differently? What aesthetic are they achieving? Try to take some pointers from their images without copying.


Product Photography is an art and is subjective. So, experiment! Try out some different styles, use different photographers or give your current photographer creative freedom to experiment. As long as the images are well lit, sharp, and represent your brand, you can be confident that your photos are high quality and hopefully sales will follow!

If you’re in need of a product photographer, check out my services. I work remotely but also can meet locally around Virginia Beach & Richmond, VA. You can also reach out to me for a FREE AUDIT of your current photos. Contact me here. Follow me on Instagram!